Sunday, September 17, 2017

Friday, June 9, 2017

How Love Peace and Harmony song stopped my knee pain

I wanted to share with you and others how singing Love Peace and Harmony stopped my knee pain.

As I am walking at the park where I take Bambi my dog to walk daily, there are beautiful trees and birds of all kinds, including bluebirds, crows, and hawks.  As I walk, I have the Love Peace Harmony play button on singing Love Peace and Harmony, to all the souls especially to those in the community where I live and the park.

As I was walking, I was not in a hurry today, and I received the message that I do not receive enough stillness in my life. To find a spot under the tree now and sit down and sing Love Peace and Harmony with your eyes closed, mind in Zhong, and full of heart and soul.

I found my favorite spot under the grove of trees with the peak of sunlight shining its healing rays down at me. I sat down and closed my eyes and chanting peacefully Love Peace and Harmony.

Wow, so lovely the experience. I felt the rays of sun shining its warm energy down through my crown chakra to my Zhong. I sat with a smile on my face, hands in my lap and enjoyed listening to Love Peace Harmony.  I have to tell you now that my time of peacefulness and stillness lasted 3 minutes before Bambi; my dog wanted me to throw her ball. 

I am so grateful for that time of stillness, it seemed like a much longer time than 3 minutes to me. It brought to my awareness how much I need to practice being still and to forgive myself that I am still struggling to have stillness as part of my life.

So I got up, said thank you for the lesson that brought more awareness I need more time to enjoy the stillness. The message I got was  3 minutes today four minutes tomorrow. Bambi will entertain herself and maybe even lay down with you, as she learns that this is your 15 min of quiet time. Do not engage with her while you are mediating or she will not learn what you are trying to do and that is to connect in the nature and be still and connect with the heavens and your Shi Fu’s.

As I was walking again singing Love Peace Harmony my left knee started to hurt, so I invited all the souls who have knee issues to please turn on their treasures of Love Peace Harmony and invited all those souls to chant together. And to ask for forgiveness all the souls who have harmed and hurt us and to forgive those who hurt us for any reason in this lifetime or past lifetimes, for not moving forward, not bringing in light or keeping others from their light. 
Before my walk was over, my knee pain had stopped.

Almost daily as I walk in the park or anywhere, I am blessed and grateful to find feathers, beautiful feathers. I find mostly crow feathers and just this week an abundance of hawk feathers to add to my collection. I had a lovely crow that I rescued, that passed on, he taught me unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. I think of him every day. I know these crow feathers that I find and the crows who crow as they fly by are saying hello to me.

I am finding more hawk feathers so I asked the hawks what is the message and honor of finding these hawk feathers for the first time.  The message I received was: Dear One, we see you come every day to the park with love and compassion in your heart. We hear you sing Love Peace Harmony for all souls, all the animals, birds, insects, trees and Wong Ling .  The feathers are our gift to you. It is Our way of saying thank you for chanting for mother earth and all souls, helping with mothers earths transition, changing her frequency and vibration with your efforts. We see how happy you are when you find your treasures of our feathers. Pick up one of our feathers to connect with us; we have much wisdom to share with the humanity and all souls. You are dearly loved. Hao, Hao, Hao.

What a lovely day. I am beyond grateful and blessed.

Love Peace and Harmony to everyone and everything. I love you all.

Liela Ross


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lend your Voice for World Peace and Walk for Water

SATURDAY AUG 26th, 8:45 am in Huntington Beach.

Working together with Women of the Wells walking for water to build wells while we sing Love Peace and Harmony and join the Love Peace and Harmony Movement. 

Our goal is $5,400 enough to build THREE wells. 

Register today on the GoFundMe account. 
Come walk with us in person or virtual walk. 
You CAN make a difference. One song CAN change the world.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Today while I was taking Bambi for her daily walk in the most beautiful park nearby where I live.
I was looking down at the sun shining down on the dew with lots of little rainbow light balls glistening in the tall grasses,  I am chanting “Weng  Ar Hong “ out loud as I am looking around and visualizing Red White and Blue with each Mantra.
As we were walking and singing out loud this most powerful ancient Mantra “Weng Ar Hong,  I saw that right in front of us was a hummingbird flying right in front of us one foot off of the tall grasses that have started to seed.  The hummingbird stopped and was just there watching and listening to us only a few feet away. I had Bambi on a short lease not to run and scare her away. Bambi just stood there so still and watched as another hummingbird came to join, then a Bluebird came and joined us on a nearby branch and then a lovely Monarch Butterfly starting to fly around us almost landing on me. This all happened in a matter of seconds.  I switched to my Tao Soul Song and continued to watch them listen to us and asked for a message.
This was such a beautiful and peaceful experience of oneness.
 I got the message from the first hummingbird, that she was so happy that we come to the park every day and chant for the park and animals the Divine Soul song of “Love Peace and Harmony”.  She knows that this song is bringing up the frequency and vibration of our beloved Mother Earth.  They loved hearing the ancient Mantra   “ Weng  Ar Hung “ sang out loud in the park. This sacred Mantra brought back memories for them from another happier time on Mother Earth and they were so grateful. They let me know they are here daily waiting on us so they too can join in the chanting together bringing Love Peace and Harmony on Mother Earth to all souls and for me to also continue to chant Weng Ar Hong out loud for them to join.

Thank you Divine, Thank you Master Sha, Thank you Mother Nature

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Depressed? Get a Puppy !!

Meet Bambi,

I never knew I was going to get a dog, much less a small one. My favorite dogs
have always been the Great Danes and Saint Bernards.Bambi is a 6 pound ChiPin.
 We have rented a home for 15 years and no pets allowed, we had three cats, just lost Cody a few weeks ago.
 I went with my daughters to see some kittens and puppies too, I couldn't resist to say Hi to them.  I immediately fell in love with Bambi and told her I would take her home with me when she was weaned. Oh gosh, I had no idea how to tell my husband, took home pictures and wished and prayed.

I have her now, we brought her home when she was 4 months, thank you to my husband for opening his heart and welcoming Bambi. She loves him so much.  Bambi has brought so much light, love, joy and happiness for me and the rest of our family. My landlord still doesn't know and she has been with us for 4 months now. I applied online to see if we could qualify for her to be assigned to me as my "Emotional Dog". This way, ( I have been approved) the landlord, airplane etc cannot deny her. I don't have the fee for the Certificate which is required, but I will get it when I really have too, it is $200.00.

We have been brought together again in a reading that I received from Master Peggy. Bambi and I served together 800 lifetimes ago, she was my Therapy animal. Bambi already knows how to be a Therapy animals. Bambi is so quiet, even when playing with her sister cats.
 That is exactly my plans for her service in this lifetime. Bambi has brought another purpose into my life and I cannot thank her enough. I have my partner back. Countless Bow Downs.

 I am going to have her receive Divine Healing Hands Paws and become a Certified Therapy Animal and go to the Children's Hospitals and spread the Divine Soul Song of Love Peace and Harmony.

Wow, who knew a dog could bring so much love, light, and service.
We can do so much together ! I LOVE MY LIFE !

Thank you, Divine for bringing me Bambi to serve again together in this lifetime.